Residential Private Portal

Welcome to the private residential portal login.

To access the page, please follow these instructions:

1. Refer to your area group details provided by the committee or your property management company.

2. Enter your login credentials, which should include a username and password. If this is your first time logging in, you may need to create an account and choose your own username and password.

3. Once you’ve entered your credentials, click on the “Login” button to access the private residential page and follow the instructions inside the portal.

Please note that your login credentials are confidential and should not be shared with anyone else. If you have any issues accessing the page, or if you have forgotten your username or password, please contact your area committee contact or property management customer service support team for assistance.

Thank you for submitting requests and contributions using our private residential portal and we hope you enjoy your upcoming rounds of exclusive offers and experiences!

Terms & Conditions of Use

At Bargain Birdy, we take privacy seriously, and we are committed to protecting the personal information of our users. This privacy policy outlines how Bargain Birdy collects, uses, and protects the information that we gather from residents who use our private residential portals.

Bargain Birdy collects personal information from residents when they register for a private residential portal account. This information includes their name, email address, phone number, and home address. Bargain Birdy may also collect information about residents’ apartment units and move-in dates to provide them with personalized offers such as cleaning, interior design or moving offering exclusively for the area.

In addition, Bargain Birdy collects information about how residents use our private residential portals, such as the pages they visit and the features they use. This information is collected through cookies and other tracking technologies.

Bargain Birdy uses residents’ personal information to provide them with the services they have requested, such as maintenance requests, package delivery notifications, and community event updates. Bargain Birdy also uses this information to communicate with residents about their accounts and to respond to their inquiries and requests.

Bargain Birdy may also use residents’ personal information to improve our services and to develop new features and offerings. Bargain Birdy may use aggregated and anonymized data to analyze usage patterns and to improve our service offerings.

Bargain Birdy does not share residents’ personal information with third parties unless it is necessary to provide the services they have requested or as required by law.

Bargain Birdy takes appropriate measures to protect residents’ personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Bargain Birdy uses industry-standard security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and secure servers, to protect residents’ personal information.

Bargain Birdy also restricts access to residents’ personal information to only those employees who need to access it to provide services to residents.

Despite our best efforts, no security system is 100% secure, and Bargain Birdy cannot guarantee the absolute security of residents’ personal information.

Bargain Birdy uses cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about how residents use our private residential portals. Cookies are small text files that are placed on residents’ devices when they visit our website. Bargain Birdy uses cookies to remember residents’ preferences, to provide personalized content and advertisements, and to analyze usage patterns.

Residents can control the use of cookies through their web browser settings. However, disabling cookies may limit their ability to use certain features of our private residential portals.

Our private residential portals are not intended for use by children under the age of 18. Bargain Birdy does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. If Bargain Birdy becomes aware that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 18, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

Bargain Birdy may update this privacy policy from time to time. If Bargain Birdy makes material changes to this policy, Bargain Birdy will notify residents via the committee or by posting a notice on our private residential portals.

If residents have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or Bargain Birdy’s use of their personal information, they can contact Bargain Birdy at Residents can also write to Bargain Birdy at the following address:

Bargain Birdy
7A, Tong Yuen Factory Building,
505 Castle Peak Road,
Lai Chi Kok

Bargain Birdy commits to responding to inquiries promptly and work to address any concerns residents may have.

By using Bargain Birdy’s private residential portals, residents consent to the terms of this privacy policy. If residents do not agree to this privacy policy, they should not use Bargain Birdy’s private residential portals.